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Happy birthday, Christian!!!!!!!!!!



But seriously, today is a special day. On this day in history, September 18th, the following things happened:

The Roman emperor Nerva was assasinated

There was a peasant uprising in Transilvania (1437)

Chris Columbus landed in Costa Rica on his fourth and final voyage (1502)

Chilean independence from Spain (1810)

Baseball rules 1st baseman can tag base for out instead of runner (1848)

And in 1978, all four Kiss members released solo albums.

(all previous info courtesy

But the most important thing happened in 1998, when in Hershey, Pennsylvania, a woman named Kelley Pulisic gave birth to a baby boy named Christian.

Kelley didn't know it at the time (or maybe she did), but her baby boy would go on to capture the hearts and minds of soccer fans all over the world. He'd go on to play in the Bundesliga, to play in World Cup qualifiers, to play in the Champions League, and who knows where else.

Today is Christian Pulisic's 19th birthday. We here at SOH wish him well and hope all is well in Dortmund. There has been an outpour of love for him on Twitter and we'd like to add to that outpour with our own little blog trickle.

Christian has already accomplished more than most by his 19th birthday. For comparison purposes, I'll compare some of his feats by 19 with some of my own.

Christian                                      Me
Scored a goal                               Got arrested at a 
in the Bundesliga                         high school football game

Left home for Germany                Left home for Arizona State University and 
and soccer glory                           mild alcoholism

Learned German                           Obtained worst grades to date in freshman Calculus class

Won the hearts and minds             Watched Top Gun with best female friend while drinking
of Dortmund fans                          vodka mixed with Gatorade.

I could go on, but as you can see we've led similar lives.

If you're like me you wanted to celebrate CP's b-day with a goal or at least an assist against Cologne, but the powers that be, aka Doctor Bosz, weren't too keen on that happening. CP's present to himself and by association all of us will have to come late, then, when Dortmund plays Hamburg on Wednesday. Hopefully Pulisic plays the full 90 that day. Hopefully he scores 19 goals. And hopefully I cry myself to sleep with tears of joy.

For now content yourself with this video of Pulisic tearing up Wolfsburg:

More to come soon. Happy birthday, Christian Pulisic!


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